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Energy Conservation Programs Earn National Recognition

November 21, 2019

We are proud to announce that we have earned national attention for our customer-centric energy efficiency programs that help customers save money by conserving energy.

EWEB has been awarded the Smart Energy Provider (SEP) designation from the American Public Power Association for demonstrating a commitment to and proficiency in energy efficiency and environmental initiatives that support a goal of providing low-cost, quality, safe, and reliable electric service.  

The SEP designation, which lasts for two years (Dec. 1, 2019 to Nov. 30, 2021) recognizes public power utilities for demonstrating leading practices in four key disciplines: smart energy program structure; energy efficiency and distributed energy programs; environmental and sustainability initiatives; and the customer experience.   This is the first year the Association has offered the SEP designation. We are the only public utility in Oregon to earn the designation, and joins more than 60 public power utilities nationwide that received the inaugural SEP designation.  

"We're honored to be recognized for our efforts to support our community's responsible energy use," said Rene Gonzalez, Customer Solutions Manager at EWEB. "We take a lot of pride in the programs we offer that help our customers save money and reduce our collective footprint on the environment. It's encouraging to be recognized as a best-of-breed utility when it comes to smart energy."  

Gonzalez cited our many customer-centric programs that provide rebates and low- or no-interest loans to help customers save money on their bills by conserving energy. These conservation efforts also help the community, the state and the Pacific Northwest reduce carbon emissions. Our energy resource portfolio is already about 90% carbon-free, but we believe there is more work to do.  

Our residential energy efficiency programs include significant rebates and/or zero-interest loans for:  

Click here for a full roundup of our residential programs.   

"This designation highlights utilities that are really stepping up to deliver their customers top-notch programs and services," said Chris Van Dokkumburg, chair of the APPA's Energy Services Committee. "These utilities are going beyond 'keeping the lights on,' and their communities should be proud."