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Is it Time to Upgrade Your Heating System?

November 15, 2019

Ductless Heat Pump outdoor unit

Cold weather is coming, and that means households will rely on their heating systems to stay healthy and comfortable. Running the heat 24 hours a day, and the occasional extreme cold snap, like the ones we've seen in the last few years, can put stress on older, inefficient equipment, potentially leading to expensive emergency repairs.

At some point, it may be time for a new heating system for your home or rental property. But how do you know if the system needs replacement or repair?

Here are some signs that it may be time to upgrade your heating system:

It's more than 15 years old

Heating, ventilation, and air conditioning systems require proper, regular maintenance in order to work efficiently, but even in the best-case scenarios, most systems last only 15 to 20 years.

Increase in the electricity bill

When heating systems are not working to their full capacity, they typically use more energy than normal causing your bill to go up. Your EWEB bill shows how much electricity you use each month, making it easy to compare usage over time.

More system noise

If the heating system seems louder than usual, it could mean there's a problem or the equipment is wearing out. Contact a professional to determine if your system needs a repair or if it needs to be replaced.  

Decreasing home comfort

Uneven heating is often a sign that your system isn't working as efficiently as it should. 

If it sounds like the heating system in your home or rental property is reaching the end of its useful life, you might want to consider replacing it with a new, high-efficiency heat pump. A ductless heat pump is cheaper to install and operate than any other heating system, easy to maintain, provides significant bill savings, improves air quality, and comes standard with built-in air conditioner. Replace your older furnace before winter weather arrives, and you can enjoy those benefits all year long.  

Check out EWEB's rebates and loans for ducted and ductless systems.