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Stay warm as the weather dips near freezing temperatures

February 22, 2023 Ashley Cissna, EWEB Communications

With temperatures forecasted to be near freezing over the next couple of days, we thought now may be a good time for a refresher on how to heat your home, while also saving energy.

As the temperature drops, the temptation is to dial up the heat, but that may not have the effect you want. The greater the difference between the outside temperature and the thermostat setting inside, the harder your heating system will need to work. The harder the system is working, the more energy is being used, potentially causing bills to be higher than expected.

Here are ways you can minimize energy use during a cold snap, but still stay warm.

  • Get rid of drafts – if you can feel cold air coming in, warm air is getting out. Look at your doors and windows and install weather stripping where there are gaps.
  • Cover your windows – tight, insulated window coverings can minimize heat loss.
  • Inspect your filters – a dirty or clogged filter makes your heater work harder. Taking the time to properly maintain your system can save you money in the long run. Follow instructions provided by the manufacturer on how to maintain your system.
  • Keep your thermostat set at 68 degrees or below. When you set your thermostat at a higher temperature it doesn't cause the home to be warmer faster, it only makes your heater work harder to reach the higher temperature and maintain it. If you get cold, throw on a sweater and some thick socks.

If your power does go out, here are some ideas on how to stay warm until power is restored:

  • Wear several layers of light weigh clothing, rather than one layer of heavy clothing
  • Stay in a southern-facing room. The heat from the sun can maximize your warmth.
  • Try to stay together in one room, with the door closed, to keep in body heat.
  • Close curtains and cover windows and doors with blankets.
  • Close doors to rooms in your house that aren’t being used.
  • NEVER use a gas-powered stove to heat your home.
  • NEVER bring exterior BBQ grills or heaters inside.

EWEB is monitoring the weather and preparing for freezing weather. If outages occur, crews are prepared and will work as quickly as possible to restore service. If you experience a power outage, be sure to report it by calling 1-844-484-2300.

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