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Powering a Strong Community in the Decades to Come

October 02, 2017

Public Power Week logo with text "powering strong communities"

EWEB joins the more than 2,000 other community-owned, not-for-profit utilities around the U.S. in celebrating Public Power Week, October 1-7.

This week we honor our 106-year history as public utility and look forward to powering a strong community in the years ahead. Serving our community with reliable, safe and responsible electric products and services is what public power is about. 

We not only work for the community, we are proud to be a part of it.  This helps us serve the 200,000 people in the greater Eugene and McKenzie Valley areas. Each year, we deliver about 4.5 million megawatt-hours of electricity to keep homes, businesses and public spaces powered.

Setting the course

This year the EWEB Board of Commissioners adopted a new strategic plan, which sets the priorities for the coming decade. Beyond continuing to provide our customers with power (and water) and holding true to our core values, we will focus  on two strategic priorities:

  • emergency preparedness and disaster recovery
  • electric supply resources

In the next decade EWEB has significant decisions to make regarding the renewal, replacement or termination of major electric generating resource contracts. In addition, we have a number of decisions involving the diversification of drinking water sources for purposes of community resiliency and disaster recovery.

Prior to 2028, EWEB will need to reassemble a power generation portfolio, renewing or replacing over 400 megawatts of resources. This includes EWEB's contract with Bonneville Power Administration (BPA) and the Carmen-Smith hydro facility relicensing project

As we begin work on the challenges ahead, we will continue to check-in with our customers and the community we serve. 

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