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My EV Story: Bill's Tesla Model 3

February 07, 2020

Red Tesla Model 3 parked in front of Eugene home

We had committed several years ago that our next car would be an electric vehicle. We had a 2001 VW Passat with well over 100,000 miles on it and had hoped it would last until we could buy an EV. We wanted something with styling we liked and plenty of range for road trips.

In early 2016, we were able to get a first-day reservation for a Tesla Model 3. We took delivery in February 2018, almost two years later.

And now, having owned our EV for almost two years, there are two things we say:

1) We absolutely LOVE it! We are saving probably about $60 per month on fuel (we took a 2,000-mile road trip in late 2018 and only spent $100 for charging).

2) I don't think we could ever go back to a gas car. It's quiet, much better for the environment, quick and responsive with virtually no maintenance.  

That's our story. If you want to read more about our thoughts, I have blogged since taking delivery at  Just click on the Tesla tab at the top.

Read more EV testimonials.