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Four things to do before turning on the heater this fall

October 15, 2019

Mom and young daughter cozy on the couch reading a book together

As the days get shorter and the nights get colder, many of us will turn on the heat for the first time this season. Before winter sets in, take a few steps to ensure your systems are working properly and efficiently. 

Maintain the filter

Air filters, although small, do a big job—they maintain the air quality in your home and help your heater run efficiently. Clean or replace furnace filters in the fall and then regularly during the heating season, following manufacturers' recommendations.

Check the vents

To maximize warm air flow, make sure that furniture, rugs and window coverings don't block your vents. And make sure all the registers are open for business!

Clear the area

If you have outdoor equipment, check that trees, shrubs and leaves aren't blocking the unit and obstructing airflow. If your furnace is located in the garage or other indoor space, clear away any clutter that may have accumulated around it.

Check the thermostat

Give the system a test run to make sure your thermostat is functioning properly. If you have a programmable thermostat, make sure the schedule is optimized for comfort and efficiency. For electric forced air and resistance heat, we recommend 68 degrees when you're home and awake, and 7-10 degrees lower at night and when you're away from the house for several hours. If you have a heat pump, set it and forget it at 68 degrees.

Bonus tip: Replace an older furnace with a new high-efficiency system

If your furnace is more than fifteen years old, you might want to consider replacing it this fall with a new, high-efficiency heat pump. A heat pump can deliver two to three times more heat energy to a home than the electric energy it consumes. That can mean big savings on your energy bills. EWEB offers rebates and loans on ducted and ductless systems. Replace your older furnace before it's time to turn it on, and you can enjoy those savings all winter long.