November 16 2023

November 16, 2023 Robyn Smith, EWEB Communications

Let's talk turkey. If a disaster strikes, is your family ready?

Many of us avoid discussing politics over the dinner table in the spirit of family peace and harmony. But here's a topic that can bring everyone together: emergency preparedness.

November 06 2023

November 06, 2023 Jen Connors, EWEB Communications

EWEB To Hold First of Two Public Hearings on Proposed 2024 Budget and Prices

At the Nov. 7 Board of Commissioners meeting, EWEB staff will present a proposed budget that includes rate increases necessary to support utility operations and make needed infrastructure investments.

October 26 2023

October 26, 2023 Claire Wray, EWEB Communications

Public Power Week Poster Contest Winners 2023

The results are in! View the winning posters from EWEB's 2023 Public Power Week Poster Contest.

October 12 2023

October 12, 2023 Adam Spencer, Communications Specialist

EWEB lead annual "Spill Drill"

EWEB coordinates drill as part of protecting Eugene’s drinking water

October 06 2023

October 06, 2023 Jen Connors, EWEB Communications

As prices increase, what can you do to take control of monthly utility bills?

EWEB’s Board of Commissioners is considering rate changes in 2024. Here are some ways to save money and manage your bill, and how EWEB can help.