September 29 2023

September 29, 2023 Claire Wray, EWEB Communications

Public Power Week Poster Contest 2023

October 1-7 is Public Power Week. To celebrate, EWEB is holding our annual poster contest for fifth graders in our service area. Help us pick the winners.

September 28 2023

September 28, 2023 Adam Spencer, Communications Specialist

Salmon Return to Finn Rock Reach

Finn Rock Reach and other restoration projects throughout the Middle McKenzie provide conditions to help young fish survive to adulthood.

September 28 2023

September 28, 2023 Ashley Cissna, EWEB Communications

EWEB programs reflect community values

EWEB is here to serve our customer-owners and provides programs that reflect the values of our community.

September 26 2023

September 26, 2023 Aaron Orlowski, EWEB Communications

Where is EWEB in planning our future electricity supply?

In August, we reached a milestone: EWEB’s five-member elected Board of Commissioners approved an action plan to guide our energy supply choices for the next 2-3 years. How did we get here?

September 06 2023

September 06, 2023 Molly Babcock, EWEB Communications

Women in STEM: EWEB Engineer Laura Ohman's second degree brings a lifetime of benefits

EWEB Engineer Laura Ohman shares how getting her second degree was one of the most difficult and rewarding things she's ever accomplished.