June 25 2021

June 25, 2021

Preparing for Extreme Heat

We are ready to deal with the stress that extreme heat may place on our electric system. We encourage customers to be prepared, stay cool and hydrated and practice safety by developing an emergency plan and checking in on neighbors.

June 21 2021

June 21, 2021

Could a Water Crisis Happen Here?

A disruption last week at a major chlorine producer in Longview, Wash., created a chlorine and caustic soda supply shortage that has affected water and wastewater utilities in Oregon and along the West Coast. Learn what EWEB is doing to protect our community's infrastructure.

May 19 2021

May 19, 2021

Tree Trimming Improves Reliability and Safety

To help prevent tree-related electrical outages and mitigate wildfire risk, we proactively prune trees and remove brush year-round to help keep our equipment clear. Each year, crews trim more than 300 overhead line miles of vegetation to minimize falling trees and branches to avoid outages and increase the reliability of the electric system.

March 17 2021

March 17, 2021

EWEB’s Switch to Telework Brings Many Benefits

More than 265 EWEB workers have reduced their car travel while enhancing the safety and resiliency of our community by working from home.

March 16 2021

March 16, 2021

EWEB Crews Help Restore Power After Ice Storm

After an icy winter storm struck Northwest Oregon in mid-February, bringing down trees and power lines, the state’s largest investor-owned electric company issued a call for help. EWEB crews responded.